Students with United Healthcare/UHC STUDENT RESOURCES and AETNA have in-network benefits with me. That typically means that you do not have a deductible and the approximate copay (what you have to pay at each visit) is typically $20-$40. Please complete the insurance verification form prior to making an appointment. Once I receive your form I submit it to my billing program called Alma and they confirm your benefits and we both should get an email stating what your insurance benefits are.

Please be aware that neither I nor Alma control what your insurance company eventually pays, and at times your copay can increase or decrease and you may be responsible for more than was initially emailed you by Alma- this is not related to my systems but to how insurance works. Please know that you can call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask them what your “patient responsibility” will be as well.

I do not accept Blue Cross so students with Blue Cross must find another provider. Gail Greenhut LCSW is a colleague who accepts Blue Cross and I recommend.

Insurance Verification form

Students Paying out of Pocket: I do a reduced rate of $100 a session for those who need it. Let me know if you do need this rate.

NO GATORCARE- I am not a provider as they limit their providers.